10 Benefits of a Virtual Phone System

Phone system for employment professionals

Whether you’re a multi-national company or a small start-up, every business has one thing in common: you need to be reachable by telephone.

When it comes to securing telephone lines, entrepreneurs used to only have the option of landlines. These telephone systems are confined to an office space, and they are slow to adopt upgrades and changes. More and more businesses are choosing to go with virtual phone systems, also known as VoIPs (Voice Over Internet Protocols).

A virtual phone system stands out from its competitors because of its technological superiority. Keep reading for the top ten benefits of using a virtual phone system.

1. A Virtual Phone System is Easy to Set Up

A VoIP solution needs only one thing to work proficiently: reliable internet access. If you have fast internet, setting up a virtual phone system is easy.

Unlike landline hardware, which requires a lengthy and burdensome setup, VoIPs start working for you as soon as they are installed. All you have to do is choose from your provider’s inventory of phone numbers to get started.

Not only is the initial set-up easy, but so are updates and changes you may need to make to your system. Phone.com believes that the best virtual phone system will update automatically. This means that you always have access to the latest and most efficient technology.

And when you need to make changes to your phone tree, it couldn’t be easier. Let’s say you have a change in staffing at your business and need to change the user for a particular phone number. Simply reassign the number yourself and the change will take effect immediately.

This cuts out long wait times and unnecessary delays in your service.

2. It is Usable on Personal Smartphones

One of the first questions that people like to ask when considering a VoIP is how they are supposed to use it without the hardware that comes with landlines. A VoIP is usable on smartphones to make for easy and efficient implementation.

You will be able to differentiate work calls and personal calls on your cellphone without trouble. This means that clients will see you calling from your work line, and won’t have access to your personal cell phone number.

But this way, you don’t have to carry a second phone or be tied to a landline. Anywhere that you have access to the internet, you can make or receive work phone calls.

In this way, you are able to free your employees from being tied to their work desks. This is especially useful for companies that require employees to make sales visits, or for people who are frequently out of the office. You shouldn’t have to worry that while you’re out doing your job, you’re missing more calls from potential clients.

3. It is More Affordable

Price isn’t everything, but it counts for a lot. Because a VoIP relies solely on the internet, it is by far cheaper than a conventional landline. Choosing a VoIP means that you can cut down on your monthly overhead.

Depending on your company’s size and needs, you can choose from different plans with your provider. This helps you customize your investment accordingly.

Any business could stand to benefit from cutting their costs. But this affordability makes VoIPs especially useful for small or new companies, which have to minimize their expenses in every way possible.

As most entrepreneurs are aware, the cheaper option isn’t always the best option. It’s usually better to pay more for more features. But fortunately, a virtual phone system allows companies to cut costs without compromising on service or features.

In fact, in addition to all of the benefits offered by a standard phone tree, a VoIP offers more and newer technology. This makes virtual phone systems more cost-efficient in the short and long term. We’ll explore more of those features in the following sections.

4. It Implements Advanced Technology

A virtual phone system has many added benefits in comparison to a standard phone tree. One of these benefits is that a VoIP system has access to new and advanced technology as it is developed.

This advanced technology allows you to manage your entire system from your smartphone. Instead of trying to make changes through a complicated hardware system, you can use your VoIP’s easy to use interface.

Additionally, all updates and upgrades happen automatically. This means that you don’t need to wait or pay for an upgrade in order to get better service. Your system won’t grow faulty or out of date.

Current technology also allows you to use your VoIP for more than just phone calls. You can text, conference, or video chat from anywhere with reliable internet. This allows for easy and direct communication with your clients and your team.

One key consumer concern is that their audio quality or connectivity will be challenged if they switch over to a VoIP. However, quality VoIP systems provide clear audio and easy connection as long as there is reliable internet.

5. Works From Anywhere

Perhaps the most noteworthy benefit of using a VoIP is that it is accessible from anywhere that has reliable internet service or cellular data coverage. In today’s world, this is an invaluable asset. As more and more people are forced to work from home, they still need to be able to reach their clients and customers.

For businesses that depend on landlines, this change has been difficult. Their customers either cannot reach them, or communication is unnecessarily delayed. People are having to make work calls using their home or personal cell phone number, which can seem weird or unprofessional to clients.

But with VoIP, it doesn’t matter if your team is in the office or not. As long as they are somewhere with reliable internet, they will be reachable. In times like these, a VoIP helps your team sidestep an unnecessary interruption to workflow.

This is also great news for new start-ups who don’t have an office space yet. Some companies choose to never have a formal work environment. If this is the case, you can use a VoIP to create a professional phone line without having to physically set one up somewhere.

Shared workspaces are also increasingly common. If your business only plans to occupy a space for a short period, there is no sense in installing phone system hardware. Invest in a phone system that will move with you.

6. VoIP’s Still Use a Common Phone Line

This brings us to the next point. Even though your team doesn’t have to be in the same place, they still have access to the same phone line. One phone number will reach your business, while different extensions will divert the call to different devices.

Your team can all be in the office, or half of them can be working from home. As far as the phone system is concerned, it is all the same.

Additionally, this feature is useful for companies that are split over multiple different cities or countries. Because a VoIP depends on the internet, you can be anywhere in the world and still have a localized phone number. This inspires trust and familiarity with your clients.

It also makes contacting you easier for your clients. One nice aspect of having a common phone line is that you can set up an auto-assistant to answer every phone call for you. They can then direct the caller down the appropriate channel.

This conveys an invaluable sense of professionalism to your clients.

7. It Conveys Professionalism

As was stated in the last point, a VoIP allows your company to maintain a sleek and professional exterior even when located in various places. With an auto-assistant, every phone call will get answered and directed to the correct place.

Even if a caller has to leave a message once they are delivered to the correct extension, they at least know they have been connected with the right employee. That employee can call them back at their earliest convenience.

A phone call is often the first window into your business that a potential customer receives. Therefore, you want to make a good first impression.

If you are a new or small business, conveying the streamlined professionalism of a larger company can help you stand apart. Many VoIPs offer auto-assistants, automated greetings, and hold music to make your clients feel heard and taken care of. Even if your business is just comprised of one person (you), your clients will feel like they are dealing with an established enterprise.

So in addition to helping you answer phone calls, the best virtual phone system for small businesses will create an appealing image of your company for the outside world. Conveying professionalism builds trust with your clientele.

This is essential brand building material. If you are a new business or trying to grow your customer base, streamlining your phone system is a good first step.

8. You Won’t Miss Calls

As was mentioned before, a virtual phone system gives you the opportunity to set up an auto assistant. This ensures that no calls get missed.

But in addition to that, you can set up your individual line to notify you about a call on any device you might be using. As long as it’s connected to the internet, it can notify you of a call. Your laptop, tablet, or wristwatch can let you know a call is coming in.

But, we all miss calls occasionally. That is when follow up timing becomes important. You should never let your clients wait days for a return call simply because you missed their voicemail.

A VoIP system will forward their voicemail to your email, ensuring that you don’t miss their message. This guarantees quick follow up and further drives home an image of professionalism to your clients.

9. No Long Term Commitment

Typically, virtual phone systems require less of a long-term commitment than standard landlines. Landlines require you to buy and install hardware and equipment. This means that even if you get a short term contract, changing out this equipment would be more hassle than it is worth.

A virtual phone system doesn’t require as much of a commitment. This is because it requires no additional hardware, and is more cost-effective than a landline. Likely, all of your staff already has a smartphone they can use for work.

As was said before, the only thing you really need to invest in is a reliable internet service, assuming you do have people working from an office. Otherwise, people can use their home internet.

But if you do have an office, it’s almost inevitable that you’d purchase internet for space anyway.

10. It is Reliable for Both You and Your Customers

VoIP provides reliable service not just for you, but for your clientele as well. Too often, calls get dropped or aren’t received due to gaps in a landline system. But with a virtual phone system, you ensure that your customer’s needs are taken care of.

VoIP helps you do your job from anywhere, and at any time. This makes it so that you can rely on your phone system to help you get your job done.

Phone Systems for the Future

Looking towards the future, there will be an increasing need to be able to take work calls from anywhere. When that’s the case, you need a phone system that will be dependable for both you and your clients. That’s why a virtual phone system may well be the answer.

Are you still curious about why a virtual phone system can be good for your business? Click here to find out more.


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