Tana Jackson Joins the UCI Customer Experience Advisory Board

UCI Customer Experience Board

Tana Jackson Joins Industry Thought Leaders to Mentor the Next Generation of Customer Experience Professionals

Phone.com is delighted to announce that our Senior Manager of Customer Loyalty and Strategic Accounts, Tana Jackson has been selected to join the Advisory Board for the Customer Experience Program at the University of California-Irvine (UCI).  With a wealth of experience in both healthcare and telecommunications, Tana is an excellent fit for the Advisory Board. Tana helps teams create sustainable advantages through proactive process creation strategies and tool development to drive automation. She’s an authority on leveraging operational efficiencies to promote customer-centric initiatives.

Tana believes in building a team culture that focuses on continuous improvement while investing in her employees through on-going learning and education. She believes this is the healthiest path to success and customer satisfaction for a company. She has a passion for driving results through employee engagement and empowerment; while leading by example on a daily basis.

“I’ve always considered myself a lifelong student by always being open to learning new things,” Tana Jackson said. “It is important for me to share my knowledge in hopes that it is useful for someone else on their journey.”

Today, Tana is the Senior Manager of Customer Loyalty and Key/Strategic Accounts at Phone.com. These departments are tasked with reducing customer churn by partnering with clients to help achieve their desired outcomes. All done by using various customer success strategies and providing all customers of Phone.com with a positive experience.

Executives from across the country are carefully selected by UCI to serve as members of the Advisory Board. They select professionals who offer expertise within a multitude of industries in an effort to provide students with insights from industry thought leaders. The Program offers either a four-day, hands-on immersion program or an eight-week online program. Students learn to apply principles that drive Customer Experience Innovation and the techniques developed by top companies. Tana and other experts in their fields will guide the students throughout the program.


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