For a small business, figuring out your marketing strategy early on is imperative to success. While it’s can be great visibility to get your ads into print magazines or on the subway, not everyone has that kind of budget. In this mobile day and age, it’s an easy and generally low cost option to widen your reach with video marketing.
It’s become almost an inexplicably essential tool for mobile-oriented businesses, or any businesses for that matter, to use video.
So here are five reasons why you should be using video in your marketing strategy.
Reach far and wide
Just about everyone enjoys watching video. More than 500 million(!) hours of videos are watched daily on YouTube. That’s staggering. With that many eyeballs, your fun and engaging video content can be targeted to reach who you want. Even views on branded content on Facebook and YouTube have increased 258% and 99% respectively. It’s no wonder that the overwhelming majority of online marketers are using video marketing.
Educate new customers and potential ones about who you are
A surefire method to use in video marketing is explaining what your company actually does. For visitors to your website, a hero video can be the first and sometimes only thing they click on. With attention spans as short as they’ve ever been, you can maximize their time and yours by putting together a fun video about your company, its history, and what goods or services you offer. Taking a minute to watch a video versus combing through a website can help get new customers.
Increasing your SEO ranking in Google
Sure, customers love watching video. But you know who also loves it? Search engines, especially Google (the owners of, you know, YouTube…). If you website has video it’s more than 50 times likelier to show up on page 1 through an organic search than those with only text. That is monstrous and your ability to capture that captive audience, especially in the 24-35 age bracket is a no-brainer.
Tap into a Mobile Audience
Life is lived mostly through our phones these days. So why not tap into that? The majority of consumers now watch video on their mobile devices. According to a Hubspot study, 72% of consumers are more likely to click on a video explainer rather than read the text. This builds trust too, especially with millennials. If you can grab attention and consumer confidence, you’re well on your way to success.
Clickthrough in Emails
Email and video marketing go hand in hand. How many times have you browsed through brand emails covered with text? It all seems so much. But if you scroll past a video with an intriguing thumbnail, you’re more likely to start clicking. Email video embedding can up your clickthrough rate by 96%! And if you embed with UTM codes you’re able to track and compile data on your customers, information that’s vital to your marketing strategy.