Choosing the Best Cloud Phone System for Your Business

multi line phone system

Cloud services might propel the cloud phone market to $74.25 billion by 2023.

Virtual phone systems connect businesses to remote workers, customers, business partners, and other shareholders. They have extensive features that make them better than ordinary landlines.

If you plan to choose one for your business, you should understand your business’s needs to select the ideal cloud phone system.

Here are helpful tips to guide you throughout the process.

Check the Cloud Phone System Features

The ideal phone systems should be integrated with the features you need in your business. If you need advanced features, you will need the most advanced phone system with the latest technological features.

Here are some of the features which you might want for your VoIP solution:

  • Find me, follow me – this feature allows one to make or receive multiple calls using the same extension
  • Voicemail transcription – helps to make a direct transcription of the voice calls to your emails so you can be more responsive while multi-tasking
  • Advanced call screening – this feature allows you to track your callers with ease
  • Click to call – allows the smartphone users to call your firm by simply clicking the embedded “call us now” button

Other vital features to keep in mind include a welcome message, call hold options, speakerphones, multiple lines, and speed dialing.

You may not need all the features, but you should choose the most relevant for your business. In this way, you will be sure of collecting the right call information using your VoIP.

Focus on the Security of the Phone System Provider

The increased use of the internet has brought many security issues. From phishing attempts to toll-fraud, many issues affect cloud-based systems.

As such, you should ensure that the phone system you use has the best security protocols in place. Otherwise, you will withstand a higher chance of risking your businesses or customers’ personal information as well as unauthorized charges.

The best provider will not hesitate to provide tried and tested encryption and authentication features. From the voice passwords to the two-step authentication, the systems should be well secured to reduce your exposure to data attacks.

Consider the Cost of the Phone System

How much will the phone system cost you? Your books of accounts should balance well at the end of the day, and you shouldn’t incur any deficits for making a costly investment.

Here are some of the aspects that you should include in your budget:

  • How many cloud-based phone number do you need?
  • Do you intend to expand your business with time?
  • How many people will be using the phone service?

If your financials allows, the next step would be to compare the prices offered by different vendors. The comparisons will help you with the average possible prices that you should pay for the phone systems.

However, you should be keen on the hidden charges when comparing costs. You should also consider the features and the quality of the system and its effect on the price. The cheapest option isn’t always the best option.

Lastly, you should understand the fixed subscription costs since the cloud-based phone has a subscription. The best cloud phone system may come with a higher price quote, but the long term costs are worth it.

Consider the Ease of Collaboration

Communications systems have evolved over the years. Unlike before, you can comfortably hold video conferences over the phone and apply other collaboration tactics.

If your business is large, you should confirm that you get a cloud-based phone system to the best collaboration features.

The collaboration features can allow the coworkers to communicate well and even promote the messaging services to different parties within the organization.

Check the Reputation of the Provider

You will come across many vendors during your search for the best cloud phone system. Each vendor will promise incredible results for using their phone system, but the question is, are they right?

The best cloud phone system consultant should be trustworthy. They should have a positive reputation, and they should be transparent with the deal.

Most importantly, the consultant should be ready to provide long-lasting support. Like the other modern devices and systems, your business communication system might develop problems. In that case, the consultant should advise you on the right way forward.

So, don’t get your systems from a firm you don’t trust. Do your research and get the system from the most reputable vendors only. Confirm that the service provider offers 24 hours of service too.

The Functionality

Do not only focus on how the phone system will be beneficial to you and your company. You should think beyond the benefits and consider the functionality.

Will your customers find the new system easy to use? Will it cause more inconvenience?

Customers want a straightforward method of communication. If the system has many redirections or complexities, they will abandon you for your competitors.

Even worse, they may leave negative reviews about your business.

The most functional VoIP is the one that has been tried and tested. If your competitors are using it successfully, then you may also benefit from it. The system should be easy to use and easy to upgrade and make other changes.

Consult the Best Cloud Phone Systems Provider

As mentioned, the provider plays the most significant role in the success of your new system. It’s therefore essential to choose the best provider who offers both physical support and advice too.

The ideal consultant will listen to your current needs, examine your business growth, and recommend the best cloud phone system for your business. is a reputable provider for cloud-based phone systems. We can help you upgrade your old phone systems or install a new one according to your business needs.

Our services accommodate all business sizes, so you can contact us whether you sole proprietor or a well-established firm. Contact us to learn more about our business communication systems and services.


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