What Do Phone.com And Heavyweight Boxing Have In Common?

Phone.com - Fast Eddie Chambers

Answer: Fast Eddie Chambers.


This weekend I watched a great fight, split decision, between Fast Eddie Chambers and Calvin Brock in the IBF heavyweight title elimination round. Chambers won, and I have to believe that not only his incredible speed and beautiful moves, but also his imprinted team gear had something to do with it. Yes, folks, Team Chambers was wearing the green(ish), black and white of Phone.com. I know I promised you a dissertation on the virtues of virtual office, but watching two talented guys throw punches sounds more interesting right now. And it is still the weekend.


Check out his website for details about his life and career. His personal story is compelling; his choice to be a positive role model and his volunteer work as a spokesperson for The Partnership for a Drug-Free America makes Phone.com and grassroots proud to associate with him. In fact, you could draw some parallels between Fast Eddie and our Phone.com community:


  1. We both punch things (you: phone keyboard numbers; Eddie: other people)
  2. We talk a lot (you: why else would you be looking for better phone services; Eddie: to scare his opponents)
  3. We wear silk robes and personalized shorts (um, no?)
  4. We understand the value of a dollar (or $9.88) and work hard for our money
  5. We spent time in Pittsburgh (me: 2 years; Eddie: his childhood)
  6. We all want to be Heavyweight Champion of the World (you: in your own industry, or at the very least in arguments with unruly offspring…;Eddie: for real.)


Ok, enough. But actually Fast Eddie Chambers seems like a great young man with a bright future, and we at Phone.com wish him much success in the years to come.



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