Acquiring A business phone number can be a significant expense for a small business, entrepreneur, or start-up. How can your small business appear professional without investing in an expensive hardware-based business phone system? A virtual business phone number gives your small business access to a robust and professional cloud-based voice communication system without investing in personnel, infrastructure, and hardware.
While large companies can invest in an on-site hardware-based private branch exchange (PBX) for their telecommunications, small and medium-sized businesses are turning to cloud-based solutions. Cloud-based business phone systems can help reduce operating expenses while maintaining a business phone number virtually. Cloud-based VoIP services can be an invaluable resource for start-ups and small to medium-sized businesses. The technology provides an edge against the competition and gives clients and partners the impression of a professional and credible company with a business phone number.
A cloud-based system allows you to choose from 800 numbers, numbers that make a word or phrase, and easy-to-remember numbers for virtual your business phone number. If your local phone company allows you to choose a business phone number, chances are they will not have an extensive range of options at a reasonable price. VoIP also lets you customize what your call recipients see on their caller ID when you call them. We will discuss five ways a virtual business phone number will help your small business look professional and be more productive without a considerable investment.
Reduce Your Business Phone System Start-Up Costs
Investing in an on-site business phone system for your communications can be expensive. Start-ups and small businesses typically have minimal IT professionals on staff and may not have the infrastructure or space to install a business phone system. Installing PBX hardware and configuring the system to meet your needs will require new or contracted IT personnel, not to mention the costly hardware and software. To build a business phone system from the ground up, you will need components to build your cable infrastructure, routers, software, servers, telecom devices, and phones.
When you use an off-site cloud-based business phone system, you won’t need to hire extra staff to install and configure your phone system. Cloud-based providers have a team of IT professionals at the data center, ready to serve you with an affordable virtual business phone number in minutes. You can add users, phone numbers, and voicemail to your mobile devices connected to the VoIP system in real-time without installing or configuring any new hardware.
Eliminate Expensive Phone System Maintenance
When you build your business phone system, you’ll require IT professionals on-site or on-call to fix any problems with the hardware or software. Losing a drive with your recorded voicemails, security vulnerabilities, and system downtime can cost you labor hours, opportunities, and clients. If you have a legacy phone system, the costs of IT professionals, downtime, and replacement hardware can add up.
Your VoIP system doesn’t have to be on site. Cloud-based business phone systems provide you with professional maintenance, security, and upgrades at an off-site data center. Your data will be backed up and maintained with the latest hardware and software to keep things running seamlessly on your end.
Scale Your Virtual Business Phone System With Your Business Instantly
Small businesses and start-ups can expand quickly. Startups often target high growth rates reaching 10% each month. Is your phone system ready to grow with your business? Adding ten new employees to your hardware-based phone system may require hardware upgrades and costly downtime. A cloud-based VoIP system allows you to instantly add new users without any downtime or hardware upgrades to your equipment. VoIP providers often include a set number of users or unlimited users, depending on your plan to give your business room for growth.
An agile business can adapt to changes quickly. Will you have enough live phone representatives for your next product or service launch? With an on-site phone system, you’ll need to hire several representatives in your local area to answer the phone, and you may need to let go of them when the launch ends. You can also rely on an outsourced business phone operations company to handle your clients, but they can be costly and may not meet your expectations. Cloud-based VoIP systems provide access to trained live receptionists to answer your calls across the US without hiring and training in-house staff.
Adding a business new phone number for a new or existing business division can also be expensive with a hardware-based phone system or a phone company, and your phone number choices can be limited. A virtual business phone system lets you choose from millions of phone numbers, including memorable phone numbers, words, or phrases to help customers recognize your brand.
Related: Do You Need a Virtual Receptionist for Your Small Business?
Access Enterprise-Grade Phone Features at a Low Cost
The latest business features may seem out of reach for many small businesses, entrepreneurs, and startups. Implementing services such as video conferencing, customer relationship management (CRM) integration, and voice transcription can be expensive and complex for a small business with limited resources. You will likely need all new hardware if you use a legacy PBX system.
VoIP services can provide business-grade features at little to no cost. From on-hold music to integration with your CRM and analytic tools, cloud-based VoIP makes it convenient and cost-effective to make your business stand out and have more productive phone interactions. Enterprise-grade features tell your clients and partners that your small business is well-equipped and credible.
A small example of the business features a cloud-based VoIP provider can offer with a virtual business phone number include:
- Fax from phone capabilities
- Transcription services
- Voicemail and screening functions
- Phone queueing
- Conference calling
- Call analytics
- International phone numbers
- Call recording
Related: Benefits of a Business Phone System (PBX)
Take Your Business Mobile at No Extra Cost
If your small business relies on an in-house PBX, you and your employees will likely need to be on-site to make and receive phone calls. Modern business trends have shown employees prefer a hybrid work setup over working in-office full time. If your phone system is landline-based, it can be challenging to balance employee satisfaction with responsive customer service. Missing an important call while you or your employees are out of the office can cost your business opportunities.
VoIP allows for seamless mobility from inside and outside of the office. VoIP services work anywhere in the world from most smartphones, laptops, or PCs with an internet connection. Virtual business phone systems also have features to improve your productivity on the go, such as voicemail transcription and the ability to send or receive faxes from your phone. Clients and business partners will always be able to reach you or a representative.
Why a Virtual Business Phone Number is a Money-Saving Solution for Any Sized Business
Investing in an on-site business phone system can be needlessly expensive when you are a small business. Why invest in technology already behind the curve when you can get ahead of the competition with a virtual business phone number at a fraction of the cost?
A virtual business phone number has a low cost of entry and grows with your business. You won’t need to hire professionals to maintain a cloud-based VoIP system, as the provider takes care of maintenance, updates, and repairs on the server-side with trained professionals. A virtual business phone number also includes features you’ll only get in the most advanced enterprise phone systems, allowing more mobility for your business.
A virtual business phone number from gives you credibility and productivity in a flexible cloud-based solution. You and your team of any size can connect with clients and collaborate with partners without being on-site. A virtual business phone number comes at a low monthly or yearly cost and requires no space for hardware or IT professionals on staff. Your employees can use the smartphones and devices they already use for work, and will handle the rest. Sign up today, and be professional and productive without the high price tag.