Local and Toll-Free Vanity
Business Phone Numbers

Starting at $12.74 /mo

Set your business apart and establish a nationwide presence
with a custom phone number that is easy to remember.

If your number is easy to remember, it's easier to call.

Custom phone numbers help customers remember your business, and they reinforce your product, service, or slogan. Plus, a vanity number makes it easy for your customers to recommend your company.

Vanity business phone numbers
Custom phone numbers

Custom Local Numbers

Enhance your brand visibility with a memorable number that reinforces that you’re a local, trustworthy business.

Toll-free custom numbers

Custom Toll Free Numbers

Establish a nationwide presence with an easy-to-remember number. Select 800, 888, 877, 866, 855 and 844. Reap the benefits and build your brand.

How It Works

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Get Started

Quick & simple online registration. Just choose your plan & fill in your details.

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Create Your Number

Get a new local or toll-free vanity phone number in seconds; or transfer an existing one.

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Start Your Engines!

Link your existing devices & enjoy all 50+ features available in our business phone system.

All Plans Include

Unlimited Number of Extensions

Add as many extensions as you need.

No Contracts

No strings attached. Cancel at any time.

Add phones to any plan

Forward calls to any device you own or get phones from Phone.com.

Fully Customizable

Add or subtract features and services anytime.

Trusted by thousands of businesses, every day.

Ring ring!

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